Want, to help your coop members and a chance to earn more favors? Worry not, here comes Shared Orders feature!
Shared Orders is a new addition to your order board. Every 2 days Cornelius will chose some members of your coop to help him on the shared orders. These orders are quick delivery and requires your coop’s help to complete. You will notice a new tab called Shared Orders. This is where you'll see the Shared Orders won by your Co-op members.
Let's click on an order in order to see the details.
This is what it looks like when you click on a Shared Order:
From here we can see:
- Player's Rewards - This will be the amount of coins and favors of the person who owns the Shared Order
- Co-op Reward - The number of favors to be added to the amount of favors that the Co-op can earn after completing the Co-op goal. These favors will not be received immediately. The coop has to meet the coop goal to get these favors
- Order Requirements - The item and amount needed to complete the shared order
- Top Contributors - The Co-op members who helped the most will be listed
- Crafts in Inventory - The total number of items needed for the shared order you have in your inventory. Click "Craft" to direct you to the Crafting building or purchase the item using farm bucks
- Crafts to share - The number of items you wish to give for the shared order. Click on the " - " or " +" buttons to increase or decrease the number.
- Timer at the bottom - Timer when the shared order will expire
- 2X Order – This order will give 2X progress to the person who shared this order on their personal goal
Start helping your Co-op member by crafting the needed item for the shared order. Choose the number of items you want to give and then click the "Contribute" button.
Each time a Shared Order is completed, 5 favors will be added to the weekly Co-op goal reward. What's better is that, not only will it increase the weekly reward, it will also add two completed orders to the Personal and Weekly Co-op Goals!
Every two days, six people (the number may change based on the size of your coop and the number of eligible members) from your Co-op will be randomly selected to have a Shared Order. Also, a maximum of 50 extra favors on top of the 200 favors can be earned each week upon completing your Co-op goal!
Once the coop goal is reached you can continue to help your coop members on their shared orders. The owner of the shared order will get the coins, favors and 2X progress but the 5 favors will not be added to the coop goal reward.
The coop goal favor rewards will again start filling up when the next cycle of the order board starts.
Some Connected Co-ops will have a lock on the Shared Orders page.
This will show up when the Connected Co-op doesn't have enough members that are level 27 and above. You can invite more people to join for a better chance to earn the rewards!
Let's work on those Shared Orders in order to earn more coins and favors!